1. Hi. It works great for several “regular” videos, however for some timelapse videos it would be nice to be able to fall-back to some sort of “dumb” algorithm that does a simple interpolation without trying to find movement (I get some strange artifacts when blending the two frames would have worked better), do you perhaps have such a function available?

  2. Hi! new version… when!?

  3. SubJunk

    July 28, 2016 at 10:52 am

    @chuchi when there is an improvement 🙂

  4. Wow, It’s works perfectly. Thanks
    I has the 2.7.0 version, It never failed so I hadn’t updated it, until I decided to check.
    By the way, after so much time, the SVP project may have improved. Will there be update soon?

  5. SubJunk

    October 11, 2018 at 10:34 am

    @Vladcat95 I think the SVP updates may have stopped supporting AviSynth but maybe I’m wrong, I will check

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