/* * PS3 Media Server, for streaming any medias to your PS3. * Copyright (C) 2008 A.Brochard * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 * of the License only. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ package net.pms.network; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.TimeZone; import net.pms.PMS; import net.pms.configuration.RendererConfiguration; import net.pms.dlna.DLNAMediaInfo; import net.pms.dlna.DLNAMediaSubtitle; import net.pms.dlna.DLNAResource; import net.pms.dlna.Range; import net.pms.external.StartStopListenerDelegate; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class Request extends HTTPResource { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Request.class); private final static String CRLF = "\r\n"; private final static String HTTP_200_OK = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"; private final static String HTTP_206_OK = "HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content"; private final static String HTTP_200_OK_10 = "HTTP/1.0 200 OK"; private final static String HTTP_206_OK_10 = "HTTP/1.0 206 Partial Content"; private final static String CONTENT_TYPE_UTF8 = "CONTENT-TYPE: text/xml; charset=\"utf-8\""; private final static String CONTENT_TYPE = "Content-Type: text/xml; charset=\"utf-8\""; private static SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", Locale.US); private final String method; private final String argument; private String soapaction; private String content; private OutputStream output; private String objectID; private int startingIndex; private int requestCount; private String browseFlag; private long lowRange; private InputStream inputStream; private RendererConfiguration mediaRenderer; private String transferMode; private String contentFeatures; private double timeseek; private double timeRangeEnd; private long highRange; private boolean http10; public RendererConfiguration getMediaRenderer() { return mediaRenderer; } public void setMediaRenderer(RendererConfiguration mediaRenderer) { this.mediaRenderer = mediaRenderer; } public InputStream getInputStream() { return inputStream; } public long getLowRange() { return lowRange; } public void setLowRange(long lowRange) { this.lowRange = lowRange; } public String getTransferMode() { return transferMode; } public void setTransferMode(String transferMode) { this.transferMode = transferMode; } public String getContentFeatures() { return contentFeatures; } public void setContentFeatures(String contentFeatures) { this.contentFeatures = contentFeatures; } public double getTimeseek() { return timeseek; } public void setTimeseek(double timeseek) { this.timeseek = timeseek; } public void setTimeRangeEnd(double timeRangeEnd) { this.timeRangeEnd = timeRangeEnd; } public long getHighRange() { return highRange; } public void setHighRange(long highRange) { this.highRange = highRange; } public boolean isHttp10() { return http10; } public void setHttp10(boolean http10) { this.http10 = http10; } public Request(String method, String argument) { this.method = method; this.argument = argument; } public String getSoapaction() { return soapaction; } public void setSoapaction(String soapaction) { this.soapaction = soapaction; } public String getTextContent() { return content; } public void setTextContent(String content) { this.content = content; } public String getMethod() { return method; } public String getArgument() { return argument; } public void answer(OutputStream output, StartStopListenerDelegate startStopListenerDelegate) throws IOException { this.output = output; long CLoverride = -2; // 0 and above are valid Content-Length values, -1 means omit if (lowRange != 0 || highRange != 0) { output(output, http10 ? HTTP_206_OK_10 : HTTP_206_OK); } else { output(output, http10 ? HTTP_200_OK_10 : HTTP_200_OK); } StringBuilder response = new StringBuilder(); DLNAResource dlna = null; boolean xbox = mediaRenderer.isXBOX(); if ((method.equals("GET") || method.equals("HEAD")) && argument.startsWith("console/")) { output(output, "Content-Type: text/html"); response.append(HTMLConsole.servePage(argument.substring(8))); } else if ((method.equals("GET") || method.equals("HEAD")) && argument.startsWith("get/")) { String id = argument.substring(argument.indexOf("get/") + 4, argument.lastIndexOf("/")); id = id.replace("%24", "$"); // popcorn hour ? List files = PMS.get().getRootFolder(mediaRenderer).getDLNAResources(id, false, 0, 0, mediaRenderer); if (transferMode != null) { output(output, "TransferMode.DLNA.ORG: " + transferMode); } if (files.size() == 1) { // DNLAresource was found. dlna = files.get(0); String fileName = argument.substring(argument.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); if (fileName.startsWith("thumbnail0000")) { // This is a request for a thumbnail file. output(output, "Content-Type: " + files.get(0).getThumbnailContentType()); output(output, "Accept-Ranges: bytes"); output(output, "Expires: " + getFUTUREDATE() + " GMT"); output(output, "Connection: keep-alive"); if (mediaRenderer.isMediaParserV2()) { files.get(0).checkThumbnail(); } inputStream = files.get(0).getThumbnailInputStream(); } else if (fileName.indexOf("subtitle0000") > -1) { // This is a request for a subtitle file output(output, "Content-Type: text/plain"); output(output, "Expires: " + getFUTUREDATE() + " GMT"); List subs = dlna.getMedia().getSubtitlesCodes(); if (subs != null && !subs.isEmpty()) { // TODO: maybe loop subs to get the requested subtitle type instead of using the first one DLNAMediaSubtitle sub = subs.get(0); inputStream = new java.io.FileInputStream(sub.getFile()); } } else { // This is a request for a regular file. String name = dlna.getDisplayName(mediaRenderer); inputStream = dlna.getInputStream(Range.create(lowRange, highRange, timeseek, timeRangeEnd), mediaRenderer); if (inputStream == null) { // No inputStream indicates that transcoding / remuxing probably crashed. logger.error("There is no inputstream to return for " + name); } else { output(output, "Content-Type: " + getRendererMimeType(dlna.mimeType(), mediaRenderer)); // Some renderers (like Samsung devices) allow a custom header for a subtitle URL String subtitleHttpHeader = mediaRenderer.getSubtitleHttpHeader(); if (subtitleHttpHeader != null && !"".equals(subtitleHttpHeader)) { // Device allows a custom subtitle HTTP header; construct it List subs = dlna.getMedia().getSubtitlesCodes(); if (subs != null && !subs.isEmpty()) { DLNAMediaSubtitle sub = subs.get(0); int type = sub.getType(); if (type < DLNAMediaSubtitle.subExtensions.length) { String strType = DLNAMediaSubtitle.subExtensions[type - 1]; String subtitleUrl = "http://" + PMS.get().getServer().getHost() + ':' + PMS.get().getServer().getPort() + "/get/" + id + "/subtitle0000." + strType; output(output, subtitleHttpHeader + ": " + subtitleUrl); } } } final DLNAMediaInfo media = dlna.getMedia(); if (media != null) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(media.getContainer())) { name += " [container: " + media.getContainer() + "]"; } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(media.getCodecV())) { name += " [video: " + media.getCodecV() + "]"; } } PMS.get().getFrame().setStatusLine("Serving " + name); // Response generation: // We use -1 for arithmetic convenience but don't send it as a value. // If Content-Length < 0 we omit it, for Content-Range we use '*' to signify unspecified. boolean chunked = mediaRenderer.isChunkedTransfer(); // Determine the total size. Note: when transcoding the length is // not known in advance, so DLNAMediaInfo.TRANS_SIZE will be returned instead. long totalsize = dlna.length(mediaRenderer); if (chunked && totalsize == DLNAMediaInfo.TRANS_SIZE) { // In chunked mode we try to avoid arbitrary values. totalsize = -1; } long remaining = totalsize - lowRange; long requested = highRange - lowRange; if (requested != 0) { // Determine the range (i.e. smaller of known or requested bytes) long bytes = remaining > -1 ? remaining : inputStream.available(); if (requested > 0 && bytes > requested) { bytes = requested + 1; } // Calculate the corresponding highRange (this is usually redundant). highRange = lowRange + bytes - (bytes > 0 ? 1 : 0); logger.trace((chunked ? "Using chunked response. " : "") + "Sending " + bytes + " bytes."); output(output, "Content-Range: bytes " + lowRange + "-" + (highRange > -1 ? highRange : "*") + "/" + (totalsize > -1 ? totalsize : "*")); // Content-Length refers to the current chunk size here, though in chunked // mode if the request is open-ended and totalsize is unknown we omit it. if (chunked && requested < 0 && totalsize < 0) { CLoverride = -1; } else { CLoverride = bytes; } } else { // Content-Length refers to the total remaining size of the stream here. CLoverride = remaining; } if (contentFeatures != null) { output(output, "ContentFeatures.DLNA.ORG: " + dlna.getDlnaContentFeatures()); } if (dlna.getPlayer() == null || xbox) { output(output, "Accept-Ranges: bytes"); } output(output, "Connection: keep-alive"); } } } } else if ((method.equals("GET") || method.equals("HEAD")) && (argument.toLowerCase().endsWith(".png") || argument.toLowerCase().endsWith(".jpg") || argument.toLowerCase().endsWith(".jpeg"))) { if (argument.toLowerCase().endsWith(".png")) { output(output, "Content-Type: image/png"); } else { output(output, "Content-Type: image/jpeg"); } output(output, "Accept-Ranges: bytes"); output(output, "Connection: keep-alive"); output(output, "Expires: " + getFUTUREDATE() + " GMT"); inputStream = getResourceInputStream(argument); } else if ((method.equals("GET") || method.equals("HEAD")) && (argument.equals("description/fetch") || argument.endsWith("1.0.xml"))) { String profileName = PMS.getConfiguration().getProfileName(); output(output, CONTENT_TYPE); output(output, "Cache-Control: no-cache"); output(output, "Expires: 0"); output(output, "Accept-Ranges: bytes"); output(output, "Connection: keep-alive"); inputStream = getResourceInputStream((argument.equals("description/fetch") ? "PMS.xml" : argument)); if (argument.equals("description/fetch")) { byte b[] = new byte[inputStream.available()]; inputStream.read(b); String s = new String(b); s = s.replace("uuid:1234567890TOTO", PMS.get().usn());//.substring(0, PMS.get().usn().length()-2)); s = s.replace("", PMS.get().getServer().getHost()); s = s.replace("", "" + PMS.get().getServer().getPort()); if (xbox) { logger.debug("DLNA changes for Xbox360"); s = s.replace("PS3 Media Server", "PS3 Media Server [" + profileName + "] : Windows Media Connect"); s = s.replace("PMS", "Windows Media Connect"); s = s.replace("", "" + CRLF + "" + CRLF + "urn:microsoft.com:service:X_MS_MediaReceiverRegistrar:1" + CRLF + "urn:microsoft.com:serviceId:X_MS_MediaReceiverRegistrar" + CRLF + "/upnp/mrr/scpd" + CRLF + "/upnp/mrr/control" + CRLF + "" + CRLF); } else { s = s.replace("PS3 Media Server", "PS3 Media Server [" + profileName + "]"); } inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(s.getBytes()); } } else if (method.equals("POST") && (argument.contains("MS_MediaReceiverRegistrar_control") || argument.contains("mrr/control"))) { output(output, CONTENT_TYPE_UTF8); response.append(HTTPXMLHelper.XML_HEADER); response.append(CRLF); response.append(HTTPXMLHelper.SOAP_ENCODING_HEADER); response.append(CRLF); if (soapaction != null && soapaction.contains("IsAuthorized")) { response.append(HTTPXMLHelper.XBOX_2); response.append(CRLF); } else if (soapaction != null && soapaction.contains("IsValidated")) { response.append(HTTPXMLHelper.XBOX_1); response.append(CRLF); } response.append(HTTPXMLHelper.SOAP_ENCODING_FOOTER); response.append(CRLF); } else if (method.equals("POST") && argument.equals("upnp/control/connection_manager")) { output(output, CONTENT_TYPE_UTF8); if (soapaction.indexOf("ConnectionManager:1#GetProtocolInfo") > -1) { response.append(HTTPXMLHelper.XML_HEADER); response.append(CRLF); response.append(HTTPXMLHelper.SOAP_ENCODING_HEADER); response.append(CRLF); response.append(HTTPXMLHelper.PROTOCOLINFO_RESPONSE); response.append(CRLF); response.append(HTTPXMLHelper.SOAP_ENCODING_FOOTER); response.append(CRLF); } } else if (method.equals("POST") && argument.equals("upnp/control/content_directory")) { output(output, CONTENT_TYPE_UTF8); if (soapaction.indexOf("ContentDirectory:1#GetSystemUpdateID") > -1) { response.append(HTTPXMLHelper.XML_HEADER); response.append(CRLF); response.append(HTTPXMLHelper.SOAP_ENCODING_HEADER); response.append(CRLF); response.append(HTTPXMLHelper.GETSYSTEMUPDATEID_HEADER); response.append(CRLF); response.append("").append(DLNAResource.getSystemUpdateId()).append(""); response.append(CRLF); response.append(HTTPXMLHelper.GETSYSTEMUPDATEID_FOOTER); response.append(CRLF); response.append(HTTPXMLHelper.SOAP_ENCODING_FOOTER); response.append(CRLF); } else if (soapaction.indexOf("ContentDirectory:1#GetSortCapabilities") > -1) { response.append(HTTPXMLHelper.XML_HEADER); response.append(CRLF); response.append(HTTPXMLHelper.SOAP_ENCODING_HEADER); response.append(CRLF); response.append(HTTPXMLHelper.SORTCAPS_RESPONSE); response.append(CRLF); response.append(HTTPXMLHelper.SOAP_ENCODING_FOOTER); response.append(CRLF); } else if (soapaction.indexOf("ContentDirectory:1#GetSearchCapabilities") > -1) { response.append(HTTPXMLHelper.XML_HEADER); response.append(CRLF); response.append(HTTPXMLHelper.SOAP_ENCODING_HEADER); response.append(CRLF); response.append(HTTPXMLHelper.SEARCHCAPS_RESPONSE); response.append(CRLF); response.append(HTTPXMLHelper.SOAP_ENCODING_FOOTER); response.append(CRLF); } else if (soapaction.contains("ContentDirectory:1#Browse") || soapaction.contains("ContentDirectory:1#Search")) { //logger.trace(content); objectID = getEnclosingValue(content, "", ""); String containerID = null; if ((objectID == null || objectID.length() == 0) && xbox) { containerID = getEnclosingValue(content, "", ""); if (!containerID.contains("$")) { objectID = "0"; } else { objectID = containerID; containerID = null; } } Object sI = getEnclosingValue(content, "", ""); Object rC = getEnclosingValue(content, "", ""); browseFlag = getEnclosingValue(content, "", ""); if (sI != null) { startingIndex = Integer.parseInt(sI.toString()); } if (rC != null) { requestCount = Integer.parseInt(rC.toString()); } response.append(HTTPXMLHelper.XML_HEADER); response.append(CRLF); response.append(HTTPXMLHelper.SOAP_ENCODING_HEADER); response.append(CRLF); if (soapaction.contains("ContentDirectory:1#Search")) { response.append(HTTPXMLHelper.SEARCHRESPONSE_HEADER); } else { response.append(HTTPXMLHelper.BROWSERESPONSE_HEADER); } response.append(CRLF); response.append(HTTPXMLHelper.RESULT_HEADER); response.append(HTTPXMLHelper.DIDL_HEADER); if (soapaction.contains("ContentDirectory:1#Search")) { browseFlag = "BrowseDirectChildren"; } // XBOX virtual containers ... doh String searchCriteria = null; if (xbox && PMS.getConfiguration().getUseCache() && PMS.get().getLibrary() != null && containerID != null) { if (containerID.equals("7") && PMS.get().getLibrary().getAlbumFolder() != null) { objectID = PMS.get().getLibrary().getAlbumFolder().getResourceId(); } else if (containerID.equals("6") && PMS.get().getLibrary().getArtistFolder() != null) { objectID = PMS.get().getLibrary().getArtistFolder().getResourceId(); } else if (containerID.equals("5") && PMS.get().getLibrary().getGenreFolder() != null) { objectID = PMS.get().getLibrary().getGenreFolder().getResourceId(); } else if (containerID.equals("F") && PMS.get().getLibrary().getPlaylistFolder() != null) { objectID = PMS.get().getLibrary().getPlaylistFolder().getResourceId(); } else if (containerID.equals("4") && PMS.get().getLibrary().getAllFolder() != null) { objectID = PMS.get().getLibrary().getAllFolder().getResourceId(); } else if (containerID.equals("1")) { String artist = getEnclosingValue(content, "upnp:artist = "", "")"); if (artist != null) { objectID = PMS.get().getLibrary().getArtistFolder().getResourceId(); searchCriteria = artist; } } } List files = PMS.get().getRootFolder(mediaRenderer).getDLNAResources(objectID, browseFlag != null && browseFlag.equals("BrowseDirectChildren"), startingIndex, requestCount, mediaRenderer); if (searchCriteria != null && files != null) { for (int i = files.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (!files.get(i).getName().equals(searchCriteria)) { files.remove(i); } } if (files.size() > 0) { files = files.get(0).getChildren(); } } int minus = 0; if (files != null) { for (DLNAResource uf : files) { if (xbox && containerID != null) { uf.setFakeParentId(containerID); } if (uf.isCompatible(mediaRenderer) && (uf.getPlayer() == null || uf.getPlayer().isPlayerCompatible(mediaRenderer))) { response.append(uf.toString(mediaRenderer)); } else { minus++; } } } response.append(HTTPXMLHelper.DIDL_FOOTER); response.append(HTTPXMLHelper.RESULT_FOOTER); response.append(CRLF); int filessize = 0; if (files != null) { filessize = files.size(); } response.append("").append(filessize - minus).append(""); response.append(CRLF); DLNAResource parentFolder = null; if (files != null && filessize > 0) { parentFolder = files.get(0).getParent(); } if (browseFlag != null && browseFlag.equals("BrowseDirectChildren") && mediaRenderer.isMediaParserV2() && mediaRenderer.isDLNATreeHack()) { // with the new parser, files are parsed and analyzed *before* // creating the DLNA tree, every 10 items (the ps3 asks 10 by 10), // so we do not know exactly the total number of items in the DLNA folder to send // (regular files, plus the #transcode folder, maybe the #imdb one, also files can be // invalidated and hidden if format is broken or encrypted, etc.). // let's send a fake total size to force the renderer to ask following items int totalCount = startingIndex + requestCount + 1; // returns 11 when 10 asked if (filessize - minus <= 0) // if no more elements, send startingIndex { totalCount = startingIndex; } response.append("").append(totalCount).append(""); } else if(browseFlag!=null && browseFlag.equals("BrowseDirectChildren")) response.append("").append(((parentFolder != null) ? parentFolder.childrenNumber() : filessize) - minus).append(""); else //from upnp spec: If BrowseMetadata is specified in the BrowseFlags then TotalMatches = 1 response.append("1"); response.append(CRLF); response.append(""); if (parentFolder != null) { response.append(parentFolder.getUpdateId()); } else { response.append("1"); } response.append(""); response.append(CRLF); if (soapaction.contains("ContentDirectory:1#Search")) { response.append(HTTPXMLHelper.SEARCHRESPONSE_FOOTER); } else { response.append(HTTPXMLHelper.BROWSERESPONSE_FOOTER); } response.append(CRLF); response.append(HTTPXMLHelper.SOAP_ENCODING_FOOTER); response.append(CRLF); //logger.trace(response.toString()); } } output(output, "Server: " + PMS.get().getServerName()); if (response.length() > 0) { byte responseData[] = response.toString().getBytes("UTF-8"); output(output, "Content-Length: " + responseData.length); output(output, ""); if (!method.equals("HEAD")) { output.write(responseData); //logger.trace(response.toString()); } } else if (inputStream != null) { if (CLoverride > -2) { // Content-Length override has been set, send or omit as appropriate if (CLoverride > -1 && CLoverride != DLNAMediaInfo.TRANS_SIZE) { // Since PS3 firmware 2.50, it is wiser not to send an arbitrary Content-Length, // as the PS3 will display a network error and request the last seconds of the // transcoded video. Better to send no Content-Length at all. output(output, "Content-Length: " + CLoverride); } } else { int cl = inputStream.available(); logger.trace("Available Content-Length: " + cl); output(output, "Content-Length: " + cl); } if (timeseek > 0 && dlna != null) { String timeseekValue = DLNAMediaInfo.getDurationString(timeseek); String timetotalValue = dlna.getMedia().getDurationString(); output(output, "TimeSeekRange.dlna.org: npt=" + timeseekValue + "-" + timetotalValue + "/" + timetotalValue); output(output, "X-Seek-Range: npt=" + timeseekValue + "-" + timetotalValue + "/" + timetotalValue); } output(output, ""); int sendB = 0; if (lowRange != DLNAMediaInfo.ENDFILE_POS && !method.equals("HEAD")) { sendB = sendBytes(inputStream); //, ((lowRange > 0 && highRange > 0)?(highRange-lowRange):-1) } logger.trace("Sending stream: " + sendB + " bytes of " + argument); PMS.get().getFrame().setStatusLine(null); } else { if (lowRange > 0 && highRange > 0) { output(output, "Content-Length: " + (highRange - lowRange + 1)); } else { output(output, "Content-Length: 0"); } output(output, ""); } } private void output(OutputStream output, String line) throws IOException { output.write((line + CRLF).getBytes("UTF-8")); logger.trace("Wrote on socket: " + line); } private String getFUTUREDATE() { sdf.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); return sdf.format(new Date(10000000000L + System.currentTimeMillis())); } // VISTA tip ?: netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled private int sendBytes(InputStream fis) throws IOException { byte[] buffer = new byte[32 * 1024]; int bytes = 0; int sendBytes = 0; try { while ((bytes = fis.read(buffer)) != -1) { output.write(buffer, 0, bytes); sendBytes += bytes; } } catch (IOException e) { logger.trace("Sending stream with premature end: " + sendBytes + " bytes of " + argument + ". Reason: " + e.getMessage()); } finally { fis.close(); } return sendBytes; } private String getEnclosingValue(String content, String leftTag, String rightTag) { String result = null; int leftTagPos = content.indexOf(leftTag); int rightTagPos = content.indexOf(rightTag, leftTagPos + 1); if (leftTagPos > -1 && rightTagPos > leftTagPos) { result = content.substring(leftTagPos + leftTag.length(), rightTagPos); } return result; } }