package net.pms.xmlwise; import java.util.*; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import; import; import; import; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") /** * Plist xml handling (serialization and deserialization) *

* The xml plist dtd can be found at *

* The plist spec handles 8 types of objects: booleans, real, integers, dates, binary data, * strings, arrays (lists) and dictionaries (maps). *

* The java Plist lib handles converting xml plists to a nested {@code Map} * that can be trivially read from java. It also provides a simple way to convert a nested * {@code Map} into an xml plist representation. *

* The following mapping will be done when converting from plist to Map: *

 * true/false -> Boolean
 * real -> Double
 * integer -> Integer/Long (depends on size, values exceeding an int will be rendered as longs)
 * data -> byte[]
 * string -> String
 * array -> List
 * dict -> Map

* When converting from Map -> plist the conversion is as follows: *

 * Boolean -> true/false
 * Float/Double -> real
 * Byte/Short/Integer/Long -> integer
 * byte[] -> data
 * List -> array
 * Map -> dict
* * @author Christoffer Lerno */ public final class Plist { /** * Singleton instance. */ private final static Plist PLIST = new Plist(); /** * All element types possible for a plist. */ private static enum ElementType { INTEGER, STRING, REAL, DATA, DATE, DICT, ARRAY, TRUE, FALSE,} private static final String BASE64_STRING = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"; private static final char[] BASE64_CHARS = BASE64_STRING.toCharArray(); private final DateFormat m_dateFormat; private final Map, ElementType> m_simpleTypes; /** * Convert a nested {@code map} as a plist xml string * using the default mapping. * * @param data the nested data to store as a plist. * @return the resulting xml as a string. */ public static String toXml(Map data) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder( "\n" + "\n" + ""); builder.append(PLIST.objectToXml(data).toXml()); return builder.append("").toString(); } /** * Store a nested {@code map} as a plist using the default mapping. * * @param data the nested data to store as a plist. * @param filename the destination file to store the data to. * @throws IOException if there was an IO error saving the file. */ public static void store(Map data, String filename) throws IOException { store(data, new File(filename)); } /** * Store a nested {@code map} as a plist using the default mapping. * * @param data the nested data to store as a plist. * @param file the destination File to store the data to. * @throws IOException if there was an IO error saving the file. */ public static void store(Map data, File file) throws IOException { FileOutputStream stream = null; try { stream = new FileOutputStream(file); stream.write(toXml(data).getBytes()); } finally { silentlyClose(stream); } } /** * Utility method to close a closeable. * * @param closeable or null. */ static void silentlyClose(Closeable closeable) { try { if (closeable != null) { closeable.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { // Ignore } } /** * Create a nested {@code map} from a plist xml string using the default mapping. * * @param xml the plist xml data as a string. * @return the resulting map as read from the plist data. * @throws XmlParseException if the plist could not be properly parsed. */ public static Map fromXml(String xml) throws XmlParseException { return PLIST.parse(Xmlwise.createXml(xml)); } /** * Create a nested {@code map} from a plist xml file using the default mapping. * * @param file the File containing the the plist xml. * @return the resulting map as read from the plist data. * @throws XmlParseException if the plist could not be properly parsed. * @throws IOException if there was an issue reading the plist file. */ public static Map load(File file) throws XmlParseException, IOException { return PLIST.parse(Xmlwise.loadXml(file)); } /** * Create a nested {@code map} from a plist xml file using the default mapping. * * @param filename the file containing the the plist xml. * @return the resulting map as read from the plist data. * @throws XmlParseException if the plist could not be properly parsed. * @throws IOException if there was an issue reading the plist file. */ public static Map load(String filename) throws XmlParseException, IOException { return load(new File(filename)); } /** * Create a plist handler. */ Plist() { m_dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"); m_dateFormat.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("Z")); m_simpleTypes = new HashMap, ElementType>(); m_simpleTypes.put(Integer.class, ElementType.INTEGER); m_simpleTypes.put(Byte.class, ElementType.INTEGER); m_simpleTypes.put(Short.class, ElementType.INTEGER); m_simpleTypes.put(Short.class, ElementType.INTEGER); m_simpleTypes.put(Long.class, ElementType.INTEGER); m_simpleTypes.put(String.class, ElementType.STRING); m_simpleTypes.put(Float.class, ElementType.REAL); m_simpleTypes.put(Double.class, ElementType.REAL); m_simpleTypes.put(byte[].class, ElementType.DATA); m_simpleTypes.put(Boolean.class, ElementType.TRUE); m_simpleTypes.put(Date.class, ElementType.DATE); } /** * Convert an object to its plist representation. * * @param o the object to convert, must be Integer, Double, String, Date, Boolean, byte[], * Map or List. * @return an XmlElement containing the serialized version of the object. */ XmlElement objectToXml(Object o) { ElementType type = m_simpleTypes.get(o.getClass()); if (type != null) { switch (type) { case REAL: return new XmlElement("real", o.toString()); case INTEGER: return new XmlElement("integer", o.toString()); case TRUE: return new XmlElement(((Boolean) o) ? "true" : "false"); case DATE: return new XmlElement("date", m_dateFormat.format((Date) o)); case STRING: return new XmlElement("string", (String) o); case DATA: return new XmlElement("data", base64encode((byte[]) o)); } } if (o instanceof Map) { return toXmlDict((Map) o); } else if (o instanceof List) { return toXmlArray((List) o); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot use " + o.getClass() + " in plist."); } } /** * Convert a list to its plist representation. * * @param list the list to convert. * @return an XmlElement representing the list. */ private XmlElement toXmlArray(List list) { XmlElement array = new XmlElement("array"); for (Object o : list) { array.add(objectToXml(o)); } return array; } /** * Convert a map to its plist representation. * * @param map the map to convert, assumed to have string keys. * @return an XmlElement representing the map. */ private XmlElement toXmlDict(Map map) { XmlElement dict = new XmlElement("dict"); for (Map.Entry entry : map.entrySet()) { dict.add(new XmlElement("key", entry.getKey())); dict.add(objectToXml(entry.getValue())); } return dict; } /** * Parses a plist top element into a map dictionary containing all the data * in the plist. * * @param element the top plist element. * @return the resulting data tree structure. * @throws XmlParseException if there was any error parsing the xml. */ Map parse(XmlElement element) throws XmlParseException { if (!"plist".equalsIgnoreCase(element.getName())) { throw new XmlParseException("Expected plist top element, was: " + element.getName()); } // Assure that the top element is a dict and the single child element. if (element.size() != 1) { throw new XmlParseException("Expected single 'dict' child element."); } element.getUnique("dict"); return (Map) parseElement(element.getUnique("dict")); } /** * Parses a (non-top) xml element. * * @param element the element to parse. * @return the resulting object. * @throws XmlParseException if there was some error in the xml. */ private Object parseElement(XmlElement element) throws XmlParseException { try { return parseElementRaw(element); } catch (Exception e) { throw new XmlParseException("Failed to parse: " + element.toXml(), e); } } /** * Parses a (non-top) xml element. * * @param element the element to parse. * @return the resulting object. * @throws Exception if there was some error parsing the xml. */ private Object parseElementRaw(XmlElement element) throws Exception { ElementType type = ElementType.valueOf(element.getName().toUpperCase()); switch (type) { case INTEGER: return parseInt(element.getValue()); case REAL: return Double.valueOf(element.getValue()); case STRING: return element.getValue(); case DATE: return m_dateFormat.parse(element.getValue()); case DATA: return base64decode(element.getValue()); case ARRAY: return parseArray(element); case TRUE: return Boolean.TRUE; case FALSE: return Boolean.FALSE; case DICT: return parseDict(element); default: throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected type: " + element.getName()); } } /** * Parses a string into a Long or Integer depending on size. * * @param value the value as a string. * @return the long value of this string is the value doesn't fit in an integer, * otherwise the int value of the string. */ private Number parseInt(String value) { Long l = Long.valueOf(value); if (l.intValue() == l) { return l.intValue(); } return l; } /** * Parse a list of xml elements as a plist dict. * * @param elements the elements to parse. * @return the dict deserialized as a map. * @throws Exception if there are any problems deserializing the map. */ private Map parseDict(List elements) throws Exception { Iterator element = elements.iterator(); HashMap dict = new HashMap(); while (element.hasNext()) { XmlElement key =; if (!"key".equals(key.getName())) { throw new Exception("Expected key but was " + key.getName()); } Object o = parseElementRaw(; dict.put(key.getValue(), o); } return dict; } /** * Parse a list of xml elements as a plist array. * * @param elements the elements to parse. * @return the array deserialized as a list. * @throws Exception if there are any problems deserializing the list. */ private List parseArray(List elements) throws Exception { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(elements.size()); for (XmlElement element : elements) { list.add(parseElementRaw(element)); } return list; } /** * Encode an array of bytes to a string using base64 encoding. * * @param bytes the bytes to convert. * @return the base64 representation of the bytes. */ static String base64encode(byte[] bytes) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(((bytes.length + 2) / 3) * 4); for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length; i += 3) { byte b0 = bytes[i]; byte b1 = i < bytes.length - 1 ? bytes[i + 1] : 0; byte b2 = i < bytes.length - 2 ? bytes[i + 2] : 0; builder.append(BASE64_CHARS[(b0 & 0xFF) >> 2]); builder.append(BASE64_CHARS[((b0 & 0x03) << 4) | ((b1 & 0xF0) >> 4)]); builder.append(i < bytes.length - 1 ? BASE64_CHARS[((b1 & 0x0F) << 2) | ((b2 & 0xC0) >> 6)] : "="); builder.append(i < bytes.length - 2 ? BASE64_CHARS[b2 & 0x3F] : "="); } return builder.toString(); } /** * Converts a string to a byte array assuming the string uses base64-encoding. * * @param base64 the string to convert. * @return the resulting byte array. */ static byte[] base64decode(String base64) { base64 = base64.trim(); int endTrim = base64.endsWith("==") ? 2 : base64.endsWith("=") ? 1 : 0; int length = (base64.length() / 4) * 3 - endTrim; base64 = base64.replace('=', 'A'); byte[] result = new byte[length]; int stringLength = base64.length(); int index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < stringLength; i += 4) { int i0 = BASE64_STRING.indexOf(base64.charAt(i)); int i1 = BASE64_STRING.indexOf(base64.charAt(i + 1)); int i2 = BASE64_STRING.indexOf(base64.charAt(i + 2)); int i3 = BASE64_STRING.indexOf(base64.charAt(i + 3)); byte b0 = (byte) ((i0 << 2) | (i1 >> 4)); byte b1 = (byte) ((i1 << 4) | (i2 >> 2)); byte b2 = (byte) ((i2 << 6) | i3); result[index++] = b0; if (index < length) { result[index++] = b1; if (index < length) { result[index++] = b2; } } } return result; } }