InterFrame 2.0b2 released

You can get it from its main post here.


  • Updated libraries, thanks to SVP.
  • Fixed 3D modes.
  • Fixed “overlap must be even” error.


  1. Please, update instruction for using IF2.0b or place some updated script for using it.

    Great work! Thank you.

  2. SubJunk

    April 2, 2012 at 12:46 pm

    @Nik: There is a code example on this page:

  3. SubJunk, could you change string arguments to integer arguments as it was before. You can use: String(NewNum).

    In your documentation there is an example which will not work because of that: InterFrame(NewNum=48000, NewDen=1001, Cores=x).

  4. SubJunk

    April 10, 2012 at 4:36 pm

    OK, good idea. It will be changed in b3 🙂

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